Update an user
Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/06/04 11:49
Updating a user can be done via a request to the server, without going through the administration pages.
This can make it possible, for example, to script or perform batch processing of administration operations.
Url : http://[serveur]:[port]/[domain]/updateuser
Example of an URL :
- user = identifier of the user who connects to perform the operation
- pass = password of the user who connects to perform the operation
- uid = identifier of the user to be updated
- password = new password
- displayName = displayed name
- roles = [json] :
- Add the role roleid1 with all the rigths(Read, Write, eXecute)
- Add the role roleid2 only in reading.
- rolesnoselected = [json] : same principle as before, but to remove a role from the user (RWX useless)
- Remove the role roleidtoremove.
- acls = [json] :
Link : Access Control List
- aclsnoselected = [json] :
- groupacls = [json] :
- groupaclsnoselected = [json] :
- attributes = [json] :
- digdashMail
- digdashMailPassword
- langChoice
- locale
- timeZone
- digdashCSS
- mustChangePassword
- dashboardAccessPages
- dashboardAccessPortlets
- ...paramètres utilisateur personnalisés...
Update the mail and the language of the user
Complete example :