II. Administration

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2023/11/13 16:45

 Summary :  




Manage users

DigDash Enterprise lets you create users and assign them roles. Roles usually represent enterprise's functions (sales representative, sales manager, human resources manager,...).

You can create dashboards for users and roles. When connecting to the dashboard viewer, users can see their own dashboards as well as dashboards created for their roles.

To access users and roles management:


  • In the connection dialog box, enter the user name and password (by default admin/admin. The user must have the authorization Manage users.

Manage roles

  • Create a role:

Click the New role button and enter the role name. Click the OK button


  • Search for a role:

Type the text you are searching for, then click the Search button (enter * or let the field empty to display all the roles).


  • Remove a role:

Click the Remove icon configuration_guide_en_html_608b1249615f58e9.jpg besides the role you want to remove or check the roles you want to remove and then click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Yes button in the Question dialog box.

  • Edit a role:

Click the Edit icon configuration_guide_en_html_4fa64fdb0da67a3a.jpg besides the role and then enter the new role name. Press OK.

  • Show members of a role:

Click the Show members link to display the list of users assigned to a role. The list of users is displayed in the Users section at the top left of the page.

Manage users

Once you have created roles, you can create users and assign them roles and authorizations.

Create a user:

  • Click the New user button.
  • Fill in the fields (fields marked with a * are mandatory)
    • LDAP login (uid): login used to connect to DigDash Enterprise ➢ common name (cn) : LDAP common name.
    • Password: password used to connect to DigDash Enterprise.
    • Display name: name displayed when the user connects to the dashboard or the administration console.
    • Mobile phone: the mobile phone is used to send SMS (for example, a SMS can contain an alert on a flow result).
    • Email: the email is used to send information through email (for example, information flows)
    • Email password: password associated to the email account.
    • Language: the language is used to display DigDash enterprise user interface and translated meta data (flow names, dashboard names,...). If your license includes video, the language is also used when reading audio and video documents.
    • Time zone: enter the time zone of the user. The hour displayed on flow will take into account this time zone if it is different from the data source time zone
    • User theme: you can specify a specific theme for each user. DigDash Enterprise provides two themes: “DigDash” which is the default theme and Black Ninja (with a dark background).

To create a new theme for the dashboard, you must first create a CSS file:

<DDE Install>/apache-tomcat/webapps/digdash_dashboard/


The CSS file must have the same name as the theme: for example, Black Ninja.css. The file must contain the CSS styles to apply to the dashboard items. You must then assign this theme to the user by typing the theme name in the User theme field. Finally, you must apply this theme to the chart visualization by selecting User theme in the drop down list (refer to the administration console guide for more information). The theme will be applied after the flow synchronization.

    • User must change his password at next logon: check this box if you want the user to change his password at first logon.
  • Assign roles to the user: select the roles in the available roles list then click the add button configuration_guide_en_html_6298cfd09b0ee2b.jpg to assign them to the user
  • Configure user authorizations: assign authorizations to the user by selecting them in the following list:
View DashboardUser can view personal dashboards.
Edit DashboardUser can edit personal dashboards.
Edit Dashboard for a roleUser can create and edit roles dashboards.
Load wallet for a roleUser can open roles wallets.
Save wallet for a roleUser can save roles wallets.
Add flowUser can add flows to personal wallets.
Add a role flowUser can add flows to roles wallets
Refresh flowUser can refresh personal flow
Refresh a role flowUser can refresh roles flows.
Manage serversUser can configure servers parameters (DigDash Enterprise server, LDAP server,...)
Manage usersUser can manage users and roles.
Manage licenseUser can manage DigDash Enterprise licenses (for example, add or remove user to the licence).
Manage users contentsUser can manage documents servers and add contents to these server.
SchedulerUser can schedule refresh of wallets, flows and data sources.
Edit data source for a roleUser can edit roles data sources.
Edit data sourceUser can edit personal data sources.
Save as PDFUser can export charts displayed in dashboard as PDF file.
Save as PPTUser can export charts displayed in dashboard as PPT file.
Save as XLSUser can export charts displayed in dashboard as XLS file.
Save as CSVUser can export charts displayed in dashboard as CSV file.
Navigate into chartUser can modify filters set on charts (using the interactive filters bar displayed in the dashboard viewer).
Send SMSUser can send a SMS
Upload DocumentUser can upload document (from the document portlet in the dashboard viewer)
Update DocumentUser can update document (from the document portlet in the dashboard viewer)
Refresh datasourceUser can refresh personal data source
View commentsUser can view comments set on flows or data models (from the dashboard viewer)
Add comments to data modelUser can add comments on data models (from the dashboard viewer)
Remove data model commentUser can remove comments set on data models (from the dashboard viewer)
Add comment to flowUser can add comments on flow ( from the dashboard viewer)
Remove flow commentUser can remove comments on flow ( from the dashboard viewer)
Ignore data model revisionUser doesn't have to enter a comment each time he modifies a data model
Customize dashboardUser can modify the dashboard CSS

(menu Edit CSS in the dashboard editor)

User can save images for all users

Edit protected dashboard pagesUser can edit protected dashboard pages (roles dashboard pages protected in the dashboard editor)
Dashboard offline modeUser can save an offline version of the dashboard.
Dashboard navigation menuThe selection menu is displayed in the dashboard (allowing the user to display the previous or next page or to display a registered state for the dashboard).

Create authorization groups

Authorizations groups let you put several authorizations into one single group. It can be useful if you want to grant the same authorizations to several users: Instead of assigning each authorization one by one, you can create an authorizations group and assign it to the users.

Predefined authorizations groups are provided by DigDash Enterprise:

  • System administrator: user has the required authorizations to manage servers, users, licenses and user contents
  • KPI designer: user has the required authorizations to create Key Performance Indicator (add flow, refresh flow, create visualizations,...)
  • Data modeler: user has the required authorizations to create data models (add flow, add and refresh data sources,...)
  • Supervisor: user has the full access to all DigDash Enterprise features
  • Final user : user has the required authorization do display and use a dashboard

(view dashboard, save a dashboard as PDF,...)

To create an authorization group, click the New authorization group button and select the authorizations in the available authorizations list. Enter the group name in Authorization group name field:


Create user parameter

User parameter can be used to add specific information on users.

Example: you want to create a dashboard for sales representatives but only display sales for the regions in their responsibility:

  • Create a user parameter named “region”.
  • When creating user, a field “region” is displayed. Fill it up with the appropriate value.
  • You can then use this parameter to filter the result of your flows using a condition like ”region equals to ${user.Region}”. (For more information on how to use variable, refer to the documentation “wallet_editor_guide_en.pdf”)

Search for a user

Type the text you are looking for, then click the Search button (enter * or let the field empty to display all the users).


Remove a user

Click the Remove icon configuration_guide_en_html_608b1249615f58e9.jpg besides the user or check the users you want to remove and then click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Yes button in the Question dialog box.

Edit a user

Click the Edit icon configuration_guide_en_html_4fa64fdb0da67a3a.jpg besides the user, then enter the new parameters. Click OK to validate the changes.

Apply a same action to several users

To apply the same action to several users, check the users then in the drop down list Other actions select the action you want to perform: assign an authorisationn, assign a role,...

Manage user content

To manage user content:


  • In the connection dialog box, enter the user name and password (by default admin/admin). The user must have the authorization Manage user content.

Manage documents servers

List of available documents server is displayed at the bottom left of the page. DigDash Enterprise provides a subversion documents server called SVN.


To add a new documents server:

  • click the New server button, then fill in the fields (fields marked up with a * are mandatory)
    • Name: Name of your documents server
    • URL: URL of your documents server. This address depends on your server type.


  • SubVersion : svn://localhost, svn://, svn : //, svn://
  • Samba : smb://
  • FTP :
  • File System : c:/documents
  • WebDav :
  • Server type: SubVersion, Samba or Alfresco, FTP, File system or WebDav
  • User document path: path of your documents.


    • SubVersion : Documents/Users/${user.uid}/.*
    • other files servers: /.* (all the documents available on the server will be retrieved), doc/.* (all the documents available in the doc folder will be retrieved), ${user.uid}/.* (documents available in ${user.uid})
  • Login: Login used to connect to the documents server ➢ Password: password used to connect to the documents server
  • Test the server by clicking the Test server button.
  • Click Ok to validate the documents server creation

Manage documents

You can add documents to a documents server. These documents can be displayed in dashboards (by adding the “documents” widget) or can be used as data sources (excel files, Business Intelligence reports,...).

To add a document:

  • Click the New document button
  • If you use several documents server, select the appropriate documents server in the Server drop down list.
  • Click the Browse... button, then select the file that you want to add. Document can be used by the user who added it to the documents server.
  • Authorize users and roles to access the document:
    • Type the text you are searching for in the search users or search roles field, then click the OK button (enter * or let the field empty to display all users or roles). The users or roles list is displayed. Click the Add a user icon configuration_guide_en_html_c2f3d9757a951441.png or Add a role iconconfiguration_guide_en_html_a29d45e9ab927857.png to authorize user or role to access the document.
    • Click the OK button.


Search for a document:

  • If you use several documents servers, select the appropriate server in the drop down list.
  • Type the text you are looking for, then click the Search button (enter * or let the field empty to display all the documents).
  • The documents you are looking for are displayed. You can edit or download them.


Remove a document:

  • Click the Remove icon configuration_guide_en_html_608b1249615f58e9.jpg besides the document you want to remove. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Yes button in the Question dialog box.
  • If you want to delete several documents at once, select them (by checking the box at their left) and then click the Delete button.

Edit a document:

Click the Edit icon configuration_guide_en_html_4fa64fdb0da67a3a.jpg besides the document you want to edit and then enter the new document parameters. Click OK.

Manage applications

You can add applications in documents servers so that users can get links to these applications from their dashboards (by adding the static content “Web Applications.

To add an application:

  • Click the New application button
  • If you use several documents server, select the appropriate documents server in the Server drop down list.
  • Enter the name, URL and Description. You can add an icon by clicking the Browse... button and then selecting the appropriate image.
  • Authorize users and roles to use the application:

➢ Type the text you are looking for in the search users or search roles field, then click the OK button (enter * or let the field empty to display all users or roles). The users or roles list is displayed. Click the Add a user icon configuration_guide_en_html_c2f3d9757a951441.png or Add a role iconconfiguration_guide_en_html_a29d45e9ab927857.png to authorize users or roles to access the application.

  • Click the OK button.


Search for an application:

  • If you use several documents server, select the appropriate server in the drop down list.
  • Type the text you are searching for, then click the Search button (enter * or let the field empty to display all the documents).

Remove an application:

  • Click the Remove icon configuration_guide_en_html_608b1249615f58e9.jpg besides the application you want to remove. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Yes button in the Question dialog box.
  • If you want to delete several applications at once, select them (by checking the box at their left) and then click the Delete button.

Edit an application:


  • Click the Edit icon configuration_guide_en_html_4fa64fdb0da67a3a.jpg besides the application you want to edit and then enter the new application parameters. Click OK to validate your changes.

Configure the license

To enter your license key or manage your license:


  • Click the Configuration link, then the License management link.
  • In the connection dialog box, enter the user name and password(by default, admin/admin). The user must have the authorization Manage licenses

Enter the license key

If this is the first time you are installing DigDash Enterprise or if your license has expired, you must enter the license key provided to you. This license key contains several information:

  • the maximum number of authorized users,
  • the expiration date: in case you have a trial license.

To enter your license key:

  • Enter your license key in the field Please specify a key to activate your product.
  • Click Test:  details on the license are displayed (maximum number of users, expiration date, text to speech,...). If the test fails, please verify you have correctly copied the license text from the license email. Do not include new line characters neither leading or trailing spaces.

By default, users who connect to DigDash Enterprise are automatically added to the license (if the number of users doesn't exceed the maximum of authorized users). You can modify this setting by un-checking the box Auto add on first login. You can also select the type of users you wan to add (named, concurrent, extranet or public).

  • Click Apply to apply the license


Add users to the license

  • In the users section, type the name you are looking for or let the field blank to display all the users in your dictionary, then click Search.
  • List of matching users is displayed.
  • Check the users you want to add to the license and then click Add to the license.


  • Users authorized to use DigDash enterprise are displayed in the Users in license section on the right. From this section, you can directly add a user in the license (user present in your users directory or not yet) or remove the authorization to a user by un-checking the box allowed.


  • You can also get information on DigDash Enterprise login: first connection, last connection and login count


Manage backups

You can backup then restore your DigDash Enterprise configuration.

To manage backups:

  • Open DigDash Enterprise welcome page in your internet browser : http://serverName/serverPort (example: http://localhost:8080).
  • Click the Configuration link, then the Backup management link. Click Backup or Restore depending on the action you want to perform.


  • In the connection dialog box, enter the user name and password (the user must have the authorization Manage servers).

Backup data

Select the items to backup. To do so, check the appropriate boxes.

In the example below, LDAP, wallets and Dashboards will be saved for user jsmith.


The boxes are grayed out if there is no item to backup (in the example above, there is no Data model and no password for the user jsmith).

If you want to select/un-select all items of a line or a column at once, click the row or the column header.

Once you have selected the items you want to backup, click the Export button, and then click the download the backup file link to get the backup zip file.

You can find below the description of the items you can backup by category: users, roles, authorization groups and server files.


LDAPUser information stored in LDAP
WalletsUser wallet and flows
DashboardsUser dashboards
Data modelsUser data models
PasswordsUser passwords


LDAPRole information stored in LDAP
WalletRole wallets and flows.
DashboardRole dashboards
Data modelsRole data models
passwordRole passwords

Authorization groups:

Check the box on the same line as the authorization group you want to backup.

Common server files:

Files that you have modified are displayed in the list of common server files you can backup.

For example, if you have modified colors and formats, “colortablerepository.xml” and “formatrepository.xml” will be displayed in the list of files you can backup.

System files: 
serversettings.xmlDigDash Enterprise Server parameters (proxy, LDAP,scheduler,...)
system.xmlDigDash Enterprise system information
Usersettings.xmlUser settings information including user parameters you created.
Repository files: 
colortablerepository.xmlColor palettes repository
cssrepository.xmlCSS repository
clustersettings.xmlCluster settings
commentsrepository.xmlComments repository (comments added in the dashboard on data models and flows)
favoritedevicesrepository.xmlFavorite devices used for synchronization
formatrepository.xmlFormats repository
jsfunctionrepository.xmlJava scripts functions repository
Hierarchyrepository.xmlRepository of shared hierarchy
navigationsentencerepository.xmlRepository of sentences created for text document and video
serverurlrepository.xmlDocuments servers repository
Translation files: 


+ dm_language.properties

Repository of data models items (dimensions names, hierarchies names,...).

Translation are available in files dm_language.properties

(example:dm_en.properties for the english version).

dmvoc.propertiesRepository of data models items used for video and audio documents.
dmtag.propertiesSynonymous created for data models items (synonymous are used in Query text).
dashboarddomain.propertiesRepository of dashboards items (page names,...).
Other files: 

List of images used in DigDash

Enterprise (added from the dashboard editor)

Default.cssFile containing personalized styles of the dashboard
Js-const.jsConstants of DigDash Enterprise Server (properties modified from the «Server settings>Advanced» page, section « Constants » ) + export settings

Restoring data

  • To restore data, select the backup file,and then click Upload


  • select the items you want to restore (see the description of the items above in the backup section). By default, all boxes are checked meaning that everything you have saved will be restored.
  • If you want to modify database connections, click the advanced link at the bottom of the page and then update the connections in the database configuration section.

Saving and restoring data automatically

Backuping data automatically:

You can automatically backup your data using the backup tool « backuptools.jar » provided with DigDash Enterprise.

This file is located in the <tomcat webapps>/ddenterpriseapi/WEB-INF/lib directory and must be used from this place (as it uses other jar files located in the same folder)

You can use available options:

  • -url server_url: DigDash Enterprise server URL (by default http://localhost:8080)
  • -domain dd_domain: domain name of the DigDash Enterprise domain (by default ddenterpriseapi)
  • -login user_login: DigDash Enterprise administrator login name
  • -pass user_pass: DigDash Enterprise password
  • -export or -backup: save DigDash Enterprise configuration in a zip file
  • -import ou -restore: restore DigDash Enterprise configuration from a zip file
  • -file zipfile: path of the backup file to restore
  • -ldap: save or restore LDAP directory
  • -noldap: no save or restore of LDAP directory
  • -help: display help
  • -debug: display error messages

Usage examples:

java -jar backuptools.jar -login admin -pass admin -export -noldap

java -jar backuptools.jar -url http://localhost:8080 -domain ddenterpriseapi -login admin -pass admin -export -ldap -file C:\\backup.zip

java -jar backuptools.jar -url http://localhost:8080 -domain ddenterpriseapi -login admin -pass admin -import -ldap -file C:\\backup.zip

if you export your environment, a backup file is created. This file is called currentdate_backup.zip (for example, 20141219_backup.zip if the backup has been done on December 19 2014) and is located in the folder containing DigDash Enterprise data. By default, Application Data/Enterprise Server/<domain>/config.

For example on Windows 7 this folder is:

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Enterprise Server\ddenterpriseapi\config.

You can also backup DigDash Enterprise environment using the batch file « backup_export.bat » provided with digDash enterprise (in the installation folder of DigDash Enterprise).

When you run the file, you must indicate:

  • The server URL: for example http://localhost:8080
  • the server domain: for example ddenterpriseapi
  • The user login: for example, admin
  • The user password: for example, admin
  • Whether you want to save the LDAP directory (users and roles) or not: enter to save it and if you don't.

A backup file is created. This file is called currentdate_backup.zip (for example, 20130710_backup.zip if the backup has been done on July 10 2013) and is located in the folder containing DigDash Enterprise data. By default, Application Data/Enterprise Server/<domain>/config.

For example on Windows 7 this folder is:

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Enterprise Server\ddenterpriseapi\config.

Restoring a backup automatically:

To restore a backup automatically, run backup_import.bat located in your installation folder. You must provide the same information as in the backup process: server URL, server domain, login, pass and whether you want to restore the LDAP directory or not.

You also need to enter the backup file name (the file must be located in the same folder as backup_import.bat).