Notes de version 2020 R2

Last modified by fperrier on 2022/06/16 10:10

2020R2 20201106

Web Studio: crash after reloading/reopening the web studio (image disposed)
Bug #14744: Error "Widget is disposed" when changing flow category
Studio: chart conf: crash editing the background
Studio: images from color not in the cache
Studio: tada/datacatalog translation message
ENTERPRISE: fix documentation link  in home page

2020R2 20201110

Admin pages: manage url logout parameter
Condition on flow: crash in some cases when a condition is set on a flow
SSBI: add export "XLS without syles" in viewflow mode
DataCatalog: manage duplicated names
Bug #13893: Format of XLSX sheet cells is now kept if corresponding option is checked in Excel builder
Bug #14534: Avoir un serveur nommé "action" depuis une source SQL préfiltre tous les flux
Bug #14776: [SSBI]: Can't add "Other" interaction on table
Bug #14777: [SSBI]: Wrong display when select a theme
Bug #14779: [DashboardEditor]: Help icon on header popup ACTB is not visible when user has no role
Bug #14763: Creating a Transform datasource does not work properly

2020R2 20201123

Bug #14725: ADMIN: in the config.jsp, delete onclick fonction on the href link. 
Bug #14800: ADMIN: translation Locale and digdashCSS, and delete "timezone" item.
Bug #13962: Erreur d'accès studio web
Bug #14734: Erreur Template D3JS
Bug #14788: Data Catalog source / missing object name translated
Bug #14797: [web studio] Error widget is disposed when closing flow properties
Bug #14356: DASHBOARD: Export name PPT with regular expression
Bug #14692: DASHBOARD: Filter using Set does not work in studio or export as a flow (SSBI)
Bug #14748: DASHBOARD: Externalisation des paramètres dans des fichiers properties
Bug #14798: DASHBOARD: Check boxes visualization type for dimension is "cut" when dimension name is displayed
Bug #14763: ENTERPRISE: Creating a Transform datasource does not work properly
Feature #12416: Infobulle dans tableau (simple, croisé et arbo)
Bug #14715: Importools: Réinitialisation des paramètres utilisateurs non présents dans le fichier d'importation
Bug #14619: STUDIO: members list was duplicated each time we opened a dim pager with hierarchy and level
Bug #13880: STUDIO: Edition de tableau: bouger des mesures dans une autre colonnes casse le comportement des mesures
STUDIO: chart interactions: minor layout fix
ADMIN: usersettings page, display with other ldap active adjustment
Bug #13655: STUDIO: Cliquer plusieurs fois sur des éléments pour les rajouter et les enlever finit par les placer dans Autres sans qu'ils doivent s'y trouver
Bug #14312: ENTERPRISE: Fixed Fourrier forecast and HoltWinter predict algos when there is null data at the very beginning of the time serie
Bug #14726: HTML report: fragment mode does not work anymore
Bug #14801: STUDIO: chart configuration: css saved even without the acl
Bug #14837: STUDIO: Crash when creating a new data source
Bug #14838: [Web studio] - [Sentences manager] - Cannot correctly modify a sentence
Bug #14840: Associative union fix: limit incoming nuplet from fks
Bug #14846: [web studio] crash when creating cross table
Support #14845: Pb de droits sur installation 2020R1 en Debian 10 et Tomcat 9
Bug #13236: SSBI: saving view don't save selectedMembers in filter dimension
Bug #14859: STUDIO: builders wizard: unable to edit a legend
Bug #14862: SQL DataSource: crash at sync if no username/pass
Bug #14830: Removing spaces and textarea not used  at the bottom page dmanalysistool (dminfo.xsl)
Bug #14827: ElasticSearch - bug lors de l'exclusion de champs
Bug #14831: Web Studio: url with wrong parameters if the server changes in login advanced parameters
Bug #14886: Studio: Typo in english message
Bug #14880: Hierarchies not supported correctly in Assoc Union
Feature #13197: Backup / TADA: trans function on selection (data trans in chart) are not saved
Bug #14885: Automatic language UI doesn't seem to work
Bug #14891: Table caption should be in the reverse order
Bug #14896: Error on table report
Bug #14897: Studio : Incomplete tooltips
Bug #14901: PDF builder: paginated table starts with a blank page
Bug #14907: datacatalog: missing localization/transaltion
Bug #14906: Table captions: missing separation between labels
Bug #14902: SSO OIDC : Signature check is always invalid + removed pdf doc (now online)
Bug #14920: DASHBOARD: Error when loading specific dashboard

2020R2 20201202

Bug #14818: Export: Non conservation du style sur la fabrique PDF
Bug #14907: DataModel: Datacatalog: missing localization/transaltion
Bug #14863: DataModel: NoSQL: Numeric value out of range of int in JsonParser (jackson-core) when parsing the JSON with a JSONDS
Bug #14930: DASHBOARD: Can't open parameters window on "Measure Filter" Object
Bug #14931: DASHBOARD: Chargement page en ‚diteur long (regression from deliver on 2020/10/09: scrollbars appears in some portlets on dashboard editor)
Bug #14931: DASHBOARD: Chargement page en éditeur long
Bug #15007: DASHBOARD: Comments list is not correct on flow
Bug #14993: DASHBOARD: DashboardEditor : Copying as a model
Bug #14883: DASHBOARD: Hidden Dashboard pages appear in navigation menu
Bug #14917: DASHBOARD: Moving an object when not in deplacement mode makes the buttons crash
Bug #14934: DASHBOARD: Sélection flux de données élément Commentaire tableau de bord
Bug #14950: Studio: Creating a flux from a different role than the "current" role.
Bug #14962: Studio: Elastic Search advanced option should not show incremental option (unsupported ATM)
Bug #14632: Studio: Flux non sauvegardé si plusieurs personnes connectées au Studio
Bug #14948: Studio: Saving a flow after another user always pop a css repo "out of sync" error popup
Bug #14987: Studio: Search using dashboard
Bug #14964: Studio: Unable to create a target
Bug #14903: Web Studio: Flow Properties general section not fully visible on small sccreen
Bug #14922: Web Studio: SQL query wizard: crash adding a table after reloading (without logout) the WebStudio
Bug #14952: Web Studio: SWTError
Studio: Crash editing a DM if the sub-cube has 0 lines
Web Studio: CPU 100%
Web Studio: escape js
Web Studio: Removed sources title when closing DM manager

2020R2 20210105

Bug #13443: Chart: OpenStreeMap map are very slow even when there are only few points displayed
Bug #14310: Chart: Word cloud Flow - space between words too large
Bug #15042: Dashboard: Le filtrage de type "contient" ne fonctionne pas
Bug #15053: Dashboard: Libellés d'affichage des filtres disparaissent
Bug #14842: Dashboard: Suppression de filtre via elements filtres
Bug #15029: Dashboard: Title of slicer combo disapear
Bug #15029: Dashboard: Title of slicer combo disapear (fix regression)
Bug #14993: Dashboard Editor: Copying as a model
Bug #15035: Export: Bug affichage filtre this.dim.max (Date) dans une fabrique Excel
Bug #15013: Export: Infinite loop in PPTTemplateTransformer when a sprite (.js) is badly evaluated
Bug #15098: Export: Replace ${dim.} tokens from flow title in pdf/ppt exportations
Bug #15172: Data source: JSON: Column names are wrong when not displaying the full JSON property names
Bug #15111: Data source: Postgresql: default fetch size is now > 0
Bug #15115: Dependency Analysis: freeze
Bug #15113: FTP client now forces binary file transfer mode
Bug #15151: Map manager: hierarchy not recognized when adding new map using maps manager
Bug #15150: Settings: duplicating a user, custom parameter are ignored.
Bug #15153: SSO NTLM Waffle: update for Tomcat 9
Bug #14150: Studio: map gps flow - missing configuration wrong message.
Bug #15049: Studio: no warning while creating a DB connexion with an incorrect url
Bug #14278: Web Studio: Session mismatch when logged in admin pages with admin and in webstudio with another user
Bug #15048: Web Studio: login: server/domain fields are empty
Bug #15060: Web Studio: juggling multiple domains
Bug #15061: Web Studio: user disconnected but UI still partially operational
Bug #15094: Web Studio: map not generated with Mapmanager
Bug #15140: Web Studio: domain issues
Home page: domain combo fixes (cookie)
Web Studio: improved Exit Confirmation
Web Studio: reduced log when executing JS
Web Studio: wrong domain selected in multi domain environment

2020R2 20210111

Bug #13695: Studio: global filter on measure not allowed for chart other than tab/tree/treemap
Bug #14991: Studio: Resize issue in "Search remote file" dialog
Bug #15200: Erreur lors de la création d'un device File System sur le format du fichier de sortie
Bug #15201: JSONDS: potentially null values if short json property names are used
Bug #15219: Dependency Analysis: crash
Bug #15086: DASHBOARD: Page width is not updated when collapse navigation menu
Bug #15214: Chart rendering crashes when derivated measure contains filter "is not empty"
Features #15189, #15207 and #15208: add projection, sort and limit support for NoSQL
Web Studio: login: last domain, last server, last user saved in a cookie
Web Studio: wrong domain selected in multi domain environment

2020R2 20210122

Feature #15014: Pouvoir utiliser un gradient dans les alerteurs
Bug #15321: Dashboard: Legend for OSM graph with svg icon is not displaying the dimension members
Bug #15118: Dashboard: Problème de filtre (les filtres ajoutés sur un conteneur de pages ne sont pas sauvegardés)
Bug #15234: Dashboard: Format d'affichage des nombres
Bug #15310: Desktop Studio: Editing alerter format: radio button reset
Bug #15047: Exports: PPT Builder: legend with styles not working when edited via office (works via the wizard)
Bug #15324: Exports: PDF Builder : Issues in text area editor
Bug #15316: Studio: Can't disable/modify gradiant
Bug #15241: Studio: CSV: adding filename in column reset first row as header options
Bug #15242: Studio: Data difference in the same role and domain after refresh
Bug #15128: Studio: Deleting D3 Model from handler
Bug #14518: Studio: Online Doc : map as much as possible contextual chapters
Bug #15178: Studio: Renaming format error (null suffix)
Bug #15318: Studio: Some operations fail when 2 tabs are open with the same user
Bug #14887: Studio: Styles editor dialog should be localized
Bug #14986: Studio: UI issue with save when deleting a flux
Bug #14959: Studio: Unable to drag and drop a flow
Bug #15323: Studio: Unable to edit a geo hierarchy (Manual selection is not working)
Bug #14992: Web studio: error graphic is disposed
Bug #15235: Web Studio: Missing cookie for the last server/domain used (https)
Bug #15222: Web Studio: stack while logging in two web studio simultaneously
Bug #15239: Web Studio: unable to create a wlnk file before logout
Bug #15196: Map: Wrong positioning of infographics in submapchart
Bug #15230: Map Manager: not working with OpenJdk
Bug #15228: PDF builder: bad encoding in text area
Bug #15244: Problème de régression CSS après migration de 2020R1 patch 20200922 vers 2020R1 patch 20201120 (Support #15220)
Bug #15215: Server: issue with date formatting in week in 2020
PDF builder: crash when a table chart results in an empty html (because of filters)

2020R2 20210205

Bug #15392: Dashboard: Background color on dashboard can't be edited directly
Bug #15399: Dashboard: Bug option "Autoriser le changement de niveau" dans les filtres
Bug #15306: Dashboard: Fonctionnement option afficher une ic“ne permettant de modifier un ‚l‚ment sur un contenu additionnel l‚gende
Bug #15400: Dashboard: Option "Autorize change of level" in dashboard filters
Bug #15280: Dashboard: Page précédente ne conserve pas les propri‚t‚s de filtre
Bug #15376: Dashboard: Wrong legend using option
Bug #15388: Dashboard: wrong domain selected coming from a previous version (2020R1->2020R2)
Bug #14721: DataCatalog: cannot rename/add a data transformer to columns
Bug #15418: Mail: html mail body badly encoded (UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1)
Bug #15284: Studio: Actualisation des fichiers SFTP
Bug #15373: Studio: crash editing a css style
Bug #15091: Studio: Creating traduction won't work
Bug #15350: Studio: Edit connection to NoSQL database in manager error
Bug #14987: Studio: Search using dashboard
Bug #15357: Settings: Chromium is not embedded any more, and the unique browser is the native browser (IE), so this settings is obsolete and can be removed.

Bug #15415: Studio: renaming color palette issues
Bug #15416: Studio: editing chart and switching DS do not refresh data
Bug #15434: Studio: Loading documents in document manager
Bug #15435: Studio: Some issues creating a datasource from a datacatalog

2020R2 20210209

Bug #14804: Dashboard: bug with empty graphics group
Bug #15437: Dashboard: Left menu is empty when dashboard contains only an empty group
Bug #15454: Dashboard: Legend displayed for map chart with jenks is not correct
Bug #15407: Chart: Surface flow negativ value
Bug #15470: Web Studio: crash on linux without X
fix NPE, it happens when chart container don't contains any chart

2020R2 20210222

Feature #15429: Exports: PPT Builder: custom color style to text legend
Bug #15455: Obsolete update document on Digdash documentation directory
Bug #15472: Delete a flow with dependencies acl required
Bug #15536: Backup: dependencies not included
Bug #15537: Missing localization/translation of label in PPT builder legendds

2020R2 20210303

Bug #15280: [Dashboard] Page précédente ne conserve pas les propriétés de filtre
Bug #15462: Bar chart / age pyramid : null value are displayed
Bug #15470: Web Studio: crash on linux without X
Bug #15509: Importtools - Removeall + Regex
Bug #15531: Error "Cannot read property 'iAx' of undefined"
Bug #15532: Error "Cannot read property 'multiplier' of null"
Bug #15604: Issues on custom contextual help
Bug #15607: Error "Cannot read property dimId of undefined"
ENTERPRISE: Virtual merge enhancement, now virtual can be pure when dimensions are compatibles but not strictly identical
Bug #15594: Studio : Hierarchy manager issues
Bug #15604: Issues on custom contextual help
Bug #15627: Le scroll automatique pour Elastic Search ne semble pas fonctionner
Bug #15629: Desktop Studio: multi-selection flow editing
Bug #15632: Exports: show title for PDF is not working
Bug #15626: Fix ${user...} suport for the index and the query in ES
Bug #15509: Importtools - Removeall + Regex

2020R2 20210311

Bug #15649: XLSX fails to load file when there is a corrupted formula
Bug #15652 : Rechercher un chiffre ne fonctionne pas dans la recherche globale
Regression after fixing the bug #15462 (Bar chart / age pyramid : null value are displayed)
Bug #15368: JSON: Certain characters in json keys are considered illegal
Bug #15483: Clic IPad carte OSM
Bug #15680: Bar charts: curw error

2020R2 20210318

Bug #15594: Studio : Hierarchy manager issues (restore selection after delete)
Bug #15594: Studio : Hierarchy manager issues (layout issue)
Web Studio: SSO Waffle NTLM: init error
Web Studio: SSO Waffle NTLM: login error with another domain

2020R2 20210329

Bug #15799: License settings: some operations fail if the license does not contain named type users
Enterprise: improvement: check app data folder rights and exit if needed
Enterprise: protection and logs against bad user name (remoteUser badly formated, domain not removed)
Desktop Studio: server url badly initialized
WebStudio: mandatory parameter for SSO
Dashboard: read sharedPasswd and urlLogout into .properties too
Enterprise: completed default properties config files
Enterprise: included xml for NTLM SSO in tomcat conf files
Desktop Studio: updated conf files
Desktop Studio: manage default empty values (.properties vs web.xml)

2020R2 20210505

Config: missing parameter in properties files
Feature #15920: Maps: include the svg maps for Spain provinces
Bug #16060: Backup: dashboard_templates.xml file is not proposed to be saved
Studio: Bug #13827: [Fabrique PDF] Aperçu dynamique ne marche pas
Studio: Bug #15879: Unable to select drill action on measure axis
Dashboard: Bug #14249: Custom CSS not applied all the time in Infographics (and table) in Chrome (latest?)
Dashboard: Bug #15921: Filters : depending of the format used for display/filter the members of a dimension, the search box returns or not members
Bug #15854: Line chart: Echelle logarithmique
Bug #16002: SQL incremental : Lexicographical comparison would not work with basic AUTOINC column
Desktop Studio: manage default empty values (.properties vs web.xml)
Enterprise: better default app data path detection (System.getEnv("APPDATA"))
Enterprise: Bug #15835: DDAudit fix support for other DB than H2
Enterprise: Feature #15443: Files cleaner optimization

2020R2 20210621

Bug #15905: Cross table: context filter not apply
Bug #15941: Map: sometimes maps are positioned to the right
Bug #16287: Tomcat shutdown slow

2020R2 20210628

[Dashboard] Bug #16376: Js impacts calendar slider rendering
[Dashboard] Bug #16428: Additional component - Selection
Bug #10255: Fix on interactions for crosstable pivot

2020R2 20210701 (Hotfix)

Bug #16487: fixed unusual NPE in hierarchy level update when using some external dimensions

2020R2 20210726

Dashboard: Bug #16376: Js impacts calendar slider rendering
License: Bug #16627: Max number licence reached and old user with licence can't connect
Webstudio: Bug #16589 : database datasources not working with SAML2
Enterprise: Optimization of JS min/max filter in associated measures

2020R2 20220111

Bug #17541: Target: translation not working

2020R2 20220203

Bug #18108: Export PPT builder: result cube failed when a ring chart contains no values
Bug #18102: "editorOptions": {showStyleEdit: false} now fully hides the style menu
Bug #17770: Fabrique PPT - Affichage rectangle legend= alors que pas de valeur

2020R2 20220224

Bug #18080: [Dashboard] Problème de lecture du fichier default.css au demarrage de firefox
Bug #15586: User who doesn't have the ACL to analyze dependencies can do so when creating data catalog

2020R2 20220413

Bug #18664: Number equals zero with scientific notation

2020R2 20220607 (dernière version)

Bug #19363: [SECURITY] Correctif sécurité
Bug #19366: [SECURITY] Correctif sécurité