Error codes

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2020/07/21 11:35

DigDash Enterprise error codes

This document references the error codes generated by DigDash Enterprise. These errors are displayed in the DigDash Enterprise interface or appear in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

Connection errors

  • ERR-DD-LOG001  : Authentication failed

=> Check the user name and password entered for the connection.

  • ERR-DD-LOG002  : User is not logged in

=> Refresh the page displayed to connect again

  • ERR-DD-LOG003  : The server does not accept any logon for the moment.

=> User authentication has been disabled (for example, allows maintenance of the DigDash server). Activation / deactivation of user authentication is done from the Configuration / Server status  page ( Activation of authentication button in the Sessions section )

  • ERR-DD-LOG004  : The maximum number of active sessions has been reached.

    => The maximum number of active licenses authorized by your license has been reached. See the Configuration / License management  page for more information on the number of available sessions. You can also view and delete active sessions from the Configuration / Server status page (click List in the Sessions section )

  • ERR-DD-LOG005  : The maximum number of active sessions for this user has been reached

=> The maximum number of active licenses authorized by your license for this user has been reached. See the Configuration / License Management  page for more information. You can also view and delete active sessions from the Configuration / Server status page (click List in the Sessions section )

  • ERR-DD-LOG006  : The user password must be changed.

    => This error appears only when the user tries to connect to an administration page, and his password has expired. This error does not appear if the user connects to the dashboard, instead a mandatory password change interface will be offered.

  • ERR-DD-LDP001  : Connection to the LDAP server failed

=> Check that the LDAP server is started and functioning properly.

  • ERR-DD-ACL001  : Authorization (s) refused. The following authorization (s) are missing: "Authorization name"

=> Open the Configuration / user management  page to check and modify, if desired, the permissions available to the user

Server errors

  • ERR_DD_CFG001 : System configuration error

=> Check and test your system configuration from the Configuration / Server settings page . Check the log file for more information (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-ERR003  : Server error. Please contact the administrator

=> Check the errors generated by the server in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-PRG001  Server did not return status

=> Check that your server is started and responds correctly. If necessary, restart the server. Also check if errors have been generated in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-API001  : The server returned an empty response

    => Check that your server is started and responds correctly. If necessary, restart the server. Also check if errors have been generated in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-API002  : The server did not respond quickly enough

    => Check that your server is started and responds correctly. If necessary, restart the server

  • ERR-DD-API003  : Invalid return type. The "Method name" method did not return the expected data type

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-CMS001  : The CMS plugin was not loaded: "Name of the plugin"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-CMS002  : The CMS server is invalid: "Server name"

=> Test the server used from the Configuration / Document management page . If necessary, modify the parameters entered (name, password, etc.).

  • ERR-DD-CMS003  : The file was not retrieved from the CMS: "File name"

=> Check that the file is present in the document server used and that the server is accessible.

  • ERR-DD-CMS004  : Access to the CMS server is not authenticated: "Server name"

    => Test the server used from the Configuration / Document management page . In particular, check the authentication used to access the server.

  • ERR-DD-CMS005  : The file was not sent to the CMS: "File name"

=> Check the status of the server used from the Configuration / Document management page . If necessary, modify the information entered (name, password, etc.). Also verify that you have write permissions on the server.

  • ERR-DD-CMS006  : The file has not been deleted from the CMS: "Server name"

    => Check the status of the server used from the Configuration / Document management page . If necessary, modify the parameters entered (name, password, etc.). Also verify that you have write permissions on the server.

  • ERR-DD-CMS007  : Access to the CMS server is prohibited: "Server name"

=> Check your access rights to the indicated server

  • ERR-DD-SMS001  : The sending of the SMS failed

=> Check the configuration of the SMS service from the page on the Configuration / Server settings page

Dictionary access errors

These errors concern the metadata dictionaries used by DigDash Enterprise: translation dictionaries, formats, colors, javascript functions, ... accessible from the Tools menu in the administration console.

  • ERR-DD-REP001  : Unable to open the dictionary: "Dictionary name"

=> The XML corresponding to the dictionary may be corrupted. Open the XML in a browser to check its validity. Check the log file for more information (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-REP002  : Invalid entry in the dictionary: "Entry name"

=> Check and modify the entry indicated (may contain an invalid character or use an identifier already used, ...)

  • ERR-DD-REP003  : No valid entry in the dictionary: "Dictionary name"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-REP004  : Unable to save the dictionary: "Dictionary name"

=> Check that the DigDash server is still active. Also check that the storage space is not full and that the dictionary backup is performed by a user with write rights on the server.

  • ERR-DD-REP005  : Unable to update the dictionary: "Dictionary name"

    => Check that the DigDash server is still active. Also check that the storage space is not full and that the dictionary backup is performed by a user with write rights on the server.

  • ERR-DD-REP006  : Unable to update the dictionary: "Dictionary name", the element is out of sync

=> You are trying to update an item that has been modified by another user while you are editing it. The element is therefore no longer up to date compared to the version on the server. You must recover the version appearing on the server before making your updates.

  • ERR-DD-REP007  : Unable to update the dictionary: "Name of the element", the name already exists

=> The element added in the dictionary uses a name already used. You must use unique names for each item in the dictionary.

Plugin errors

  • WNG-DD-DFL001  : No plugin found for the data source: "Source name"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • WNG-DD-DFL002  : No plugin found for the transformation: "Name of the transformation"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • WNG-DD-DFL003  : No output plugin for the stream: "Stream name"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

Errors in the portfolio and information flows

  • ERR-DD-WAL001 : Invalid wallet 

=> Check the log for more information (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-WAL002  : Invalid portfolio item identifier

=> The element indicated does not exist in the information portfolio or this element is new and the session of the user requesting it does not yet know it. In this case, log out and log back in to update the user's wallet.

  • ERR-DD-WAL003  : Error loading stream history: "Stream name"

=> Check if the flow still exists and if the flow history contains elements. Refresh the flow history to update it.

  • ERR-DD-WAL004  : The stream was not found

=> The indicated flow no longer exists in the information portfolio or this flow is new and the session of the user requesting it does not yet know it. In this case, log out and log back in to update the user's wallet.

  • ERR-DD-WAL005  : Loading of the information portfolio failed

=> The .iwt file corresponding to the portfolio concerned cannot be loaded. Verify that the server is started and responds correctly. If this is the case, check if errors are recorded in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-WAL006  : The stream history element was not found

    => This error occurs if there is no history entry for the flow (for example if the refresh of the cube failed or if it is a flow containing user-specific data and not been refreshed for the logged in user). Refresh the flow history to check if it is updated correctly.

  • ERR-DD-ADM004  : Error flow

=> status of the information portfolio when at least one flow in it contains an error. Unfold the information portfolio to obtain more information on the flow (s) concerned.

  • ERR-DD-CUB001  : The cube does not exist

=> When viewing flow, the cube was not found. Refresh the cube to verify that the generation of this cube goes smoothly.

  • ERR-DD-CUB002  : The generation of the cube failed. The cube generation failed due to an invalid source file.

=> Edit the data source to update the source file used by it (the file may no longer exist in the document server or the document server is not accessible)

  • ERR-DD-CUB003  : The writing of the result cube failed. Unable to write the result cube.

    => Check the disk space on the DigDash Enterprise server and the write rights of the Tomcat process. The process must be able to write to the DigDash data cubes folder (see system configuration documentation).

  • ERR-DD-CUB004  : the transformation data source failed. Cannot write result cube during data source transformation.

    => Check the indicated cause of the cube generation failure

  • ERR-DD-CUB005  : The generation of the cube failed. Cause: "cause 

=> Check the indicated cause of the cube generation failure

  • ERR-DD-MOD001  : Data model not found or invalid. The data source does not exist or is misconfigured.

=> The information flow does not reference any data source or references an absent or invalid data source. Edit the information flow to change the data source used.

  • ERR-DD-MOD002  : Render model not found or invalid. The display configuration is missing or incorrect.

    => Edit the information flow to modify its visualization

  • ERR-DD-MOD003  : Invalid text entry

=> The error occurs during the video generation of the streams: check the video generation parameters from the Visualization / audio and video configuration parameters dialog box .

  • ERR-DD-MOD004  : No navigation model

=> Error appearing in the display of text type graphs when the configuration is incorrect: check the configuration of text generation (from Configuration of visualization / Advanced parameters / Configuration of text generation )

  • ERR-DD-MOD005  : The structure of the data source has changed. Changes have been detected in the structure of the data source. Please check the configuration of the data model.

=> Edit the data source to check the changes detected (the error tells you the list of columns found in place of those initially existing)

  • ERR-DD-MOD006  : The condition is not fulfilled for the flow "Name of the flow" on the device "Name of the device".

=> This message is displayed if you use conditional synchronization. The condition to be fulfilled for the stream to be synchronized on the device is not fulfilled. For more information, edit your information flow and check the condition used in the Devices  tab (click on the toothed wheel to display the condition). 

  • ERR-DD-INT001  : User interrupt

=> This error is displayed if the user voluntarily interrupts a task (updating flows for example). Run the task again to clear the error.

  • ERR-DD-OUT001  : Type of output type not supported

=> Some graphics cannot use all the export formats (PDF, PPT, HTML, Image, ...). Use a different format for exporting your graph.

  • ERR-DD-EXP001  : Unable to export the stream. An error occurred during the export of the flow: "Name of the flow" in "Type of export"

=> Check if an error is generated during the export: type F12 in your browser to display the error console. Also check the generated log (accessible from the "  Configuration / Server status  " page).

  • ERR-DD-SYN001  : Synchronization error

=> check the logs for more information on the error (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-SVG001  : SVG interpretation error

=> Error generating video stream. Check the logs for more information (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-SVG002  : SVGTranscodingError

=> Error generating video stream. Check the logs for more information (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-PLG001  : Plugin execution error. The plugin failed: "Name of the plugin"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-PLG002  : Unable to clone the plugin: "Plugin name"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-PLG003  : The creation of the plugin failed: "Name of the plugin"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-PLG004  ; Plugin authentication error. The plugin needs authentication: "Name of the plugin"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-PLG005  : Class of plugin not found: "Name of plugin"

    => System error. Contact your administrator and / or DigDash support if this error occurs. You will most certainly be asked for a complete log relating to the error, for analysis of the problem (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ).

  • ERR-DD-TDS001  : Loading of the data source failed. Loading table data source failed: "Data source name"

=> Check that the data source used is accessible (the document server used must be accessible and the data source must appear on the server)

  • ERR-DD-TDS002  : The data source is not recognized. The array data source was not recognized: "Name of the data source"

=> The type of data source used is not recognized by DigDash. Check the data source (invalid file name extension, ...)

  • ERR-DD-TDS003  : Download of data source failed: "Name of data source"

=> Check the data source used by the information flow (the file used may no longer appear in the document server or the document server used may not be accessible)

  • ERR-DD-TDS004  : Transformation of the data source failed. The table data source has not been transformed: "Name of the data source"
  • => transformation of Excel crosstab into flat table failed. Check the parameters used for this transformation (from the advanced options of the Excel data source configuration)
  • ERR-DD-TDS005  : The data source union / join failed . The data source union / join failed when unioning the child data sources.

=> check the log file for more information ((accessible from the Configuration / Server status page )

  • ERR-DD-ENG001  : Unable to execute the flow: An error occurred while executing the flow.

=> Check in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status menu ) if errors have been generated.

  • ERR-DD-ENG002  : Unable to execute the flow "Name of the flow": The server did not return any results.

=> Check in the log file (accessible from the Configuration / Server status menu ) if errors have been generated.

  • ERR-DD-ENG003  : Unable to execute the flow "Name of the flow": The flow is disabled.

=> Activate the feed by checking the box to the left of the feed name

  • ERR-DD-SQL001  : Query on SQL database failed

=> check the syntax of your SQL query.

=> OR check the execution time allocated for the request ("timeout") in the advanced parameters of the data source (this may not be sufficient for the execution of your request).

  • ERR-DD-SQL002  : Connection to SQL database failed

    => test the connection used and modify it if necessary (the connections are visible from the Tools \ Database Connection Manager menu or from the query edition)

  • ERR-DD-OLP001  : The query on the OLAP database failed

=> Check the syntax of your OLAP request.

=> OR check the execution time allocated for the request ("timeout") in the advanced parameters of the data source (this may not be sufficient for the execution of your request)

  • ERR-DD-OLP002  : Connection to the OLAP database failed

    => Test the connection used and modify it if necessary (the connections are visible from the Tools menu \ database connection manager or from the query edition)

  • ERR-DD-MDX001  : MDX does not authorize several uses of the hierarchy "Name of the hierarchy" on the dimension "Name of the dimension". Please use the corresponding dimension attributes.

=> Modify the MDX used to comply with the MDX standard

  • ERR-DD-DEV001  : Device not found: "device name"

    => Check the list of configured devices from the Tools \ Device management  menu in the administration console

Admin console errors

  • ERR-DD-ADM001  : Documentation is not available.

=> Copy the documentation to the installation directory of DigDash Enterprise (named below <install_dd>).

To do this, open the DigDash installation file ( then extract the documentation directory to <install_dd> / documentation .

Similarly, extract the apache-tomcat / webapps / root / documentation directory  in the zip to the <install_dd> / apache-tomcat / webapps / root / documentation directory

  • ERR-DD-ADM002  : Unable to launch the system browser.

    => Check the browser selected for displaying flows in the administrative console (from the Tools \ Options  menu in the administrative console). Favor the use of Chromium if possible.

Using the Firefox browser requires the installation of XulRunner (installation possible from the Tools \ Options menu )

  • ERR-DD-ADM003  : Problem while launching the media player.

    => Check the browser selected for displaying feeds in the administrative console (from the Tools \ Options  menu in the administrative console). Favor the use of Chromium if possible.

Using the Firefox browser requires the installation of XulRunner (installation possible from the Tools \ Options menu )

Errors when creating derived measures

  • ERR-DD-BID001 : This name already exists, please enter a different one.

    => Each measurement must have a different name in the data model. Change the name entered in the Measure name field

  • ERR-DD-BID002 : The name of the measurement must not be empty.

=> Enter a name in the Measure name field

  • ERR-DD-BID003 : The variable must not be empty.

    => Enter a name for your variable

  • ERR-DD-FPY001 : The formula field is empty.

    => Enter a formula for your variable.

  • ERR-DD-VAR001 : The format of "number" is incorrect. Please check the value entered

    => For example the. (not the comma) must be used as a decimal separator.

  • ERR-DD-VAR002 : The minimum and maximum values ​​are incorrect (the minimum must be less than the maximum).

    => Modify the minimum and / or maximum values.

  • ERR-DD-VAR003 : The default value must be between the minimum and the maximum.

=> In the case of calculated variables, check that the default value is between the minimum and maximum values ​​entered.

  • ERR-DD-VAR004 : The default value must be defined in the list of values.

=> In the case of explicit variables, the default value must be part of the list of possible values ​​entered manually.

  • ERR-DD-VAR005 : The name field is empty.

=> In the case of explicit variables, enter a name for each of the values ​​entered. .

  • ERR-DD-VAR006 : The increment value must be different from 0.

=> In the case of calculated variables, enter an increment value other than 0.

  • ERR-DD-JSE001 : Problem during the evaluation of the JS code:. "JS" .. (arguments: "list of arguments")

=> Modify the JS code used.

  • ERR-DD-JSE002 : Problem during the evaluation of the JS code:. "JS" .. (arguments: "list of arguments")

=> Modify the JS code used.

File access errors

  • ERR-DD-FIL001  : Unable to open the file: "File name"

=> Check that the file exists. Also check the read / write rights on the file.

  • ERR-DD-FIL002  : Cannot copy the file: "Name of file 1" to "Name of file 2"

=> Copy error when synchronizing files. Check the write rights and the space available on the server to which the file must be copied.

  • ERR-DD-FIL003  : Unable to save the file: "File name"

    => Check the write rights and the space available on the server to which the file must be saved.

  • ERR-DD-DIR001  : Unable to create the folder: "Folder name"

    => Check the write rights and the space available on the server on which the folder must be created.

  • ERR-DD-DIR002  : Unable to access the folder: "Folder name"

    => Check the write rights and the space available on the server on which the file must be saved.

  • ERR-DD-URL001  : Malformed URL: "URL"

=> Check the URL indicated

  • ERR-DD-URL002  : Error downloading the URL "URL"

=> Check the URL used

  • ERR-DD-URL003  : Connection to the server failed

=> Check that the server used is well connected

  • ERR-DD-URL004  : The server did not respond quickly enough

=> Check that the server used is connected

  • ERR-DD-DTR001  : Error during media transcoding. Stream transcoding failed.

=> The video generation failed (check the logs accessible from Configuration / Server status for more information)

XML error

  • ERR-DD-XML001  : Malformed XML file

=> Check the XML file indicated by opening it for example in a browser

  • ERR-DD-XML002  : Problem while saving XML

    => Check the write rights and the space available on the server on which the folder must be created.

  • ERR-DD-XML003  : Invalid XML configuration

=> check in the log file (accessible from Configuration / Server status )  the XML concerned and the nature of the problem.

  • ERR-DD-XML004  : Bad root tag in the XML file

=> Check the root tag in the XML file indicated

File cleaner errors

The status of the file cleaner is available from the Configuration / Server status page in the  "File cleaner status" section. A red cross indicates that an error has occurred. Position your mouse on this cross to obtain information on the error:

  • WNG-DD-FGC001  : File cleaning canceled due to active task (s).

=> The file cleaner only passes if no task is active (if tasks are active, new cleaning attempts will be made later).

Consult the documentation "advanced settings of system parameters" (digdash_enterprise_guide_avance_systeme_en.pdf), section Automatic file cleaning  for more information on the operation of the file cleaner and the parameters that can be used

  • WNG_DD_FGC002  : Cleaning of files canceled due to active session (s).

=> The file cleaner only passes if no user session is active. Consult the documentation "advanced settings of the system parameters" (digdash_enterprise_guide_avance_systeme_fr.pdf), section Automatic file cleaning  for more information on the operation of the file cleaner and the parameters that can be used (possibility of automatically deleting active sessions when the cleaner starts up) , for example).

License errors

  • ERR-DD-LIC001 : Access denied (check license)

=> Open the Configuration / License management page to check your license: check that the key is identical to that provided by our sales team. Test the license to obtain information on it. Contact our sales team if the problem persists.

  • ERR-DD-LIC002 : The identifier of this key is unknown. Please verify your license key.

=> Open the Configuration / License management page to check your license: check that the license key entered is the one provided by our sales team. Contact our teams if the key provided does not work.

  • ERR-DD-LIC003 : Unable to decrypt the key. Please verify your license key.

    => Open the Configuration / License management page to check your license: check that the license key entered is the one provided by our sales team. Contact our teams if the key provided does not work

  • ERR-DD-LIC004 : The license has expired.

    => Open the Configuration / License management page to check the expiration date of your license. Contact our sales team to acquire DigDash Enterprise or extend its evaluation.

  • ERR-DD-LIC005 : Unable to parse the key. Please verify your license key.

    => Open the Configuration / License management page to check your license: check that the license key entered is the one provided by our sales team. Contact our teams if the key provided does not work

  • ERR-DD-LIC006 : Unable to migrate to this license. It does not allow you to authorize as many users. Please verify your license key or remove users from the current license.

=> the error occurs if you are using a license with fewer users than the license you are currently using. Check the key provided with our sales team.

  • ERR-DD-LIC007 : The key is in an unsupported version. Please verify your license key.

=> Contact the DigDash sales department who will provide you with a key corresponding to your version of DigDash Enterprise.

  • ERR-DD-LIC008 : Invalid license. Please verify your license key.

    => Open the Configuration / License management page to check your license: check that the license key entered is the one provided by our sales team. Contact our teams if the key provided does not work

  • ERR-DD-LIC009  : Access denied (check license).

=> Open the Configuration / License management  page to verify that the key used is the one supplied to you. Contact DigDash sales if the key provided does not work.

Password errors

The following errors are displayed if the user does not respect the password policy set up by the administrator of DigDash Enterprise (for more information on setting up a password policy, see the documentation password_policy_config_en.pdf).

In the following cases, the user must change his password to comply with the rules:

  • ERR-DD-POLI001 : The attribute "Attribute name" does not correspond to the defined model
  • ERR-DD-POLI002 : The attribute "Attribute name" must contain at least one capital letter
  • ERR-DD-POLI003 : The attribute "Attribute name" must contain at least one lower case
  • ERR-DD-POLI004 : The attribute "Attribute name" must contain at least one numeric character
  • ERR-DD-POLI005 : The attribute "Attribute name" must contain at least one special character
  • ERR-DD-POLI006 : The attribute "Attribute name" must not contain the uid

Other errors

  • ERR-DD-RSS001  : Error loading RSS "name of RSS"

=> the indicated RSS cannot be loaded. Check the logs for the cause of the problem

  • ERR-DD-RSS002  : Empty RSS to "RSS name"

=> the indicated RSS is empty.

  • ERR-DD-ERR001 : An error has occurred

=> check the logs (accessible from the Configuration / Server status page ) for more information on the nature of the problem

  • ERR-DD-ERR002  : Not implemented

=> the indicated function is not implemented. See DigDash for more information.