Upgrade guide

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/07/11 17:14

This guide describes the procedure and precautions to be taken to update your version of DigDash Enterprise to the new version 2024 R1.
It also describes the behavioural changes introduced in this version.

This guide ONLY applies to you if you comply with the best practices described in the dedicated paragraph.
If this is not the case, restart the installation from scratch by following the Linux or Windows installation guide.

❗If you use adswrapper (not recommended), an update has been made in version 2024 R1. It notably addresses security issues.

❗If you are using an H2 database (not recommended), it has been updated in version 2023 R1. Older versions of the H2 database (DDAudit, Comments and DDDataEntry) are not compatible with this version. Please refer to the topic Migrating H2 database for more details on the procedures to follow.

Important : Migration of specific developments (all versions)

This procedure does not take into account the migration of specific developments (modification of logos, addition of JSPs, user import scripts, etc.), which may be described in your internal procedures.
If specific developments have been made, make a backup copy of your current installation so that you can recover and migrate all these developments.

Please note since version 2022 R2, the value of the langChoice user parameter is now a language code rather than an index. For example, 0 has become "en" and 1 has become "fr". This change must be taken into account :

  • when adapting your user import scripts,
  • in derived measurement formulas that would use ${user.langChoice} to determine the value of a measurement.
  • data filter formulas that use ${user.langChoice}.

DigDash Enterprise installation archives are named digdash_enterprise_2024R1_64.zip or digdash_enterprise_2024R1_numpatch_64.zip.
After extraction, the folder will be called digdash_enterprise_2024R1_64 or digdash_enterprise_2024R1_numpatch_64.

To clarify the procedure, the installation folder for the older version will be named install_dd_OLD and the installation folder for the most recent version will be named install_dd_NEW.
The version number can be seen in the archive's version.txt file or from the "Configuration / Server Status" page ("DigDash Enterprise Version" in the top left-hand corner of the "General Status" section).

Supported configuration :

  • Server : Tomcat 9 (Windows and Linux)
  • Server : Java 17 recommended (Windows et Linux)
                  Java 11 supported

Best practices for version 2024 R1

For optimal operation of DigDash Enterprise, it is recommended to apply the following guidelines:

  • Use of the digdash.properties file to store the configuration of environments.
    For more information on how to set up the file, see the page Configuring the digdash.properties file
  • Use of an external database system for the DDAudit, Comments and DDDataEntry databases.
    For more information on installing an external database system, see :
  • Use of a Tomcat separate from the Digdash installation (installation via the OS package manager).
    For more information on installing a separate Tomcat, see :
  • Use of OpenDJ instead of adswrapper.
    For more information on installing OpenLDAP, see :

Updating DigDash Enterprise to version 2024 R1

This paragraph applies to you if you are upgrading DigDash Enterprise from version 2022 R2 or later to version 2024 R1.
If you are upgrading from earlier to version 2022 R2, please contact DigDash at contact@digdash.com.

The JDBC drivers have been updated and some of them need to be reinstalled. Please check your requirements in the following page Adding a JDBC driver > Pre-configured drivers, not included.

The DDAudit module has been modified in version 2023R1. To find out more about the related instructions, see Changes to the DDAudit module.

Update procedure

Step 1 : Backup the configuration

Make a full backup of your configuration: LDAP entries (users, roles, authorization groups), data models, dashboards, etc.
If you have added files to your installation (modified logos, images, css, added JSPs, etc.), you will need to carry them over to the new installation.
See the Backup and restore documentation.

Step 2 : Stop the server

Stop the DigDash server:

  • On Windows : right-click on your service ("Tomcat 9" by default), then click Stop from your Windows Services application.
  • On Linux : use the command service tomcat9 stop

Step 3 : Backup and delete old applications

Back up and then delete the files and folders in <install_dd>/webapps :

Dossiers :

  • adminconsole
  • ddenterpriseapi
  • digdash_dashboard
  • studio
  • adswrapper (not recommend)

Fichiers :

  • adminconsole.war
  • ddenterpriseapi.war
  • digdash_dashboard.war
  • studio.war
  • adswrapper.war (non recommandé)

❗Do not delete the ROOT folder.

Do not delete the ldapdigdash folder if used. The ldapdigdash directory is related to adswrapper (not recommended).

Step 4 : Copy the new applications

Unzip the new version of the product into a temporary location.

Navigate in this temporary folder to the webapps folder.
Copy the following files to the same folder in your installation:

  • adminconsole.war
  • ddenterpriseapi.war
  • digdash_dashboard.war
  • studio.war
  • adswrapper.war (non recommandé)

The webapps folder should now contain 4 .war files (5 if you are using adswrapper) and the ROOT directory.

Step 5 : Recover the add-ons

Copy the contents of the add-ons directory to the same location in your installation.
If you have modified certain files (importtools, backtuptools, etc.), save them before copying.

Step 6 : Restart the server

Restart the DigDash server :

  • On Windows : right-click on your service ("Tomcat 9" by default), then click on Start from your Windows Services application.
  • On Linux : use the command service tomcat9 restart.

and let Tomcat redeploy the new applications.

Step 7 : Restore

If you have configured your new installation to point to your old data folder, restoration is not necessary.

Otherwise (new data folder) use the backup from step 1 to restore the LDAP entries (users, roles, authorisation groups).

Important : if you have made changes to configuration files (web.xml, etc.), images or css files in the ddenterpriseapi and digdash_dashboard folders, you will need to carry them over.

Step 8 : Clear the browser cache

Delete the browser cache (shortcut on most browsers: Ctrl + Shift + Delete).

Step 9 : Regenerate the data models

Regeneration of data models is recommended in the case of a major version upgrade.

In the Studio Flows tab, right-click on each flow wallet and then click Synchronise for users.

In the Confirm role wallet synchronization box, check the Force data cubes generation of the selected flows box and then the Force generation of all the dependent cubes box.


Changes to the DDAudit module

The DDAudit module has been modified in version 2023 R1. If you have deployed DDAudit in a previous version, please follow the instructions below:

  • If you have not modified the DDAudit templates and flows, and if you have not created new templates and flows, then it is recommended to uninstall the DDAudit module, delete the role and its data and then reinstall it from the installation zip for this new version, or via Digdash Metadate Service. 
  • If you have created your own models and flows for DDAudit, or if you have modified the data models, you must modify the SQL queries of the modified or created data models so that they no longer use the user field but dd_user (the names of the dimensions and measures remain unchanged).

❗If you use H2 as your database for DDAudit (not recommended), you will need to migrate your old database (see topic Migrating H2 database) before you can make these changes.

Behavioural changes in 2024 R1

New features or bug fixes in 2024 R1 have resulted in behavioural changes that may have an impact. We therefore recommend that you consult the following list of behavioural changes.



IODS configuration must now be done in the digdash.properties file or in the command line settings instead of the Server settings page.

File Server

A user with authorization (ACL) Upload document who does not have write permissions on a role, no longer has the ability to upload a document to a file server shared with this role.

Authorizations (ACL)

New Content > List documents and Content > List document servers authorizations may impact behavior. When you add the Admin > Manage users content authorization to a user, you must also add the Content > List documents and Content > List document servers permissions to them, otherwise they will not be able to manage the user's content. The opposite is not true, you may want to add Content > List documents and Content > List document servers without Admin > Manage users content. The user could list the documents and servers to which he has access.


The js and css files of the "adminconsole" part (home and administration pages) are now versioned. It is no longer necessary to clear the cache during a version upgrade.


Data Models

It is now possible to use columns with different names as key columns for data model union.

Label (legend) of a dimension

The term Label replaces the term Legend.


Access to Managers is now done from a dedicated button on the left of the Studio window.

PDF Builder

The Always start at end of table option has been removed.


The add filter window now automatically selects the same hierarchical level as the dimension used in the chart and no longer the root level.


The Area (acre) format now uses a thousands separator.


Targets in tables

Targets used in tables are now displayed in the legend.

Bar chart labels

The display of stacked bar content labels differs depending on whether they contain fixed or variable data:

  • In the case the label contains data that varies dynamically depending on the bar on which it is located (for example, for the keywords Value, Member, Absolute Value and Percentage Value), a label is displayed for each stacking bar.
  • In the case the label contains only fixed data per bar (for keywords other than those mentioned above), a single label is displayed at the top of the stacked bars (to the right of the stacked bars in the case the data are positive or combination of positive/negative data, to the left when the values ​​are only negative).

Note that if the user does not choose to display the label at the top, the label is displayed from the zero axis only once if it contains only fixed data, and within each bar if it contains variable data.

Map charts

The Others value does not impact the color gradient.



Comments are now updated every 30 seconds.

Dashboard objects

Display on click is now selected by default for retractable objects.

Sorting tables

It is now possible to sort tables (simple and tree) on several dimensions.


The old interface dedicated to mobile has been deprecated. If the user tries to access it with the link as http://localhost:8080/ddenterpriseapi/mobile, an error message is displayed.

Deploying a patch on a 2024 R1

This paragraph is about updating a 2024 R1 version to a more recent 2024 R1 version.

It is assumed that your configuration follows the recommendation to use the digdash.properties file. If you have not done so, please refer to the Best practices for version 2024 R1 paragraph.

If your installation contains specific developments, which are located in the applications folders :
<install_dd>/apache-tomcat/webapps/ddenterpriseapi or <install_dd>/apache-tomcat/webapps/digdash_dashboard
they will be lost during the update. Save them before any other operation, so that you recover them after updating.

 The procedure for deploying a patch is now identical to updating the version. You can therefore follow the procedure detailed above.