Release notes 2024 R1

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/06/18 10:08

Patch 20240617 (latest version)

(MD5: 1ad788a4e22d4573fd0f8600410900ed)

[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #31230: Actions at intersections no longer work when adding a dimension to a crosstable in ad-hoc analysis
[Graphics configuration] Bug #31658: Display of the warning "The column axis cannot be empty" even though the column contains 2 elements
[Dashboard] Bug #32573: Navigation Menu Mode is not saved when upgrading to version 2024R1
[Dashboard] Bug #32183: Sharing portlets to specified users does not work correctly
[Dashboard] Bug #31924: Sharing pages to specified users does not work correctly
[Graphics] Bug #32355: When the measurement value is 0, the color selected for the alerter does not apply in an Open Street Map
[Graphics] Bug #32068: Line wrapping in labels does not work
[BO Migration Kit] Bug #32641: Problem reading some measurements
[BO Migration Kit] Bug #32640: Refactoring of generated SQL queries
[Data Model] Bug #32472: A column transformation using the shared function "Age" returns an error
[Configuration Pages] Bug #32306: The "Advanced Search" window for users no longer closes after clicking the Search button
[Scheduling] Bug #32552: Description not modified when creating a new schedule in the Schedule Manager
[Enterprise Server] Bug #32141: "Forbidden file access attempt (Path traversal)" error in SVG files
[Studio] Bug #31961: Problem with minimum columns for Open Street Maps