DDAudit – Server Status Reports Notice

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/11/19 10:07

This document describes the DDAudit reports available in server status page.

DDAudit Security

Security Audit Events List (30 days)

Columns description

Event Date: Date and time of the event in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en).

Event Id: Global counter to identify the event.

Event Name: Type of the event. Possible types are:

  • Login: Connection of a user in DigDash Enterprise.
  • AccountCreation: Creation of a user (target) by an administrator.
  • AccountRemoval: Removal of a user (target) by an administrator.
  • AccountUpdate: Update of a user (target) by an administrator.
  • PasswordChange: Modification of the password of a user (target), done by himself (must change password or forgot password workflows), or by an administrator.
  • PasswordReset: Request for a password reset code of a user (target) (forgot password workflow).
  • ACLChange: Add or removal of an ACL (Access Control List) to/from a user (target), or to/from an ACL Group, by an administrator. DigDash ACL are internal authorizations for DigDash Enterprise. Example: Admin > Access Server Settings, Scheduler > Schedule refresh (Please refer to DigDash configuration documentation).
  • ACLGroupChange: Add or removal of an ACL Group (Access Control List Group) to/from a user (target) by an administrator.
  • HackAttempt: Hack attempt. Examples: Cross Site Request Forgery, Code injections... (see advanced configuration guide for different types of hacks).

User: Name of the user who did the corresponding action.

Target User: Name of the user who is the target for the action.

IsAdmin: A boolean that flags if the target user is an administrator (true) or not (false).

Client Type: The DigDash module used to do the action (see last chapter)

Status: The action was successful applied (SUCCESS) or failed (FAILED)

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder.

Details: Depending on the event, this columns contains additional details. Non-exhaustive list of possible details per event name:

  • Login: The error message corresponding to the error code
  • AccountCreation: Details about the added LDAP attributes to create the user. Example: displayName,userPassword,uid,description,objectclass,sn,cn
     Or the error message returned by LDAP
  • AccountRemoval: The error message returned by LDAP
  • AccountUpdate: Details about added, modified(U) or removed LDAP attributes. In the case of the description attribute it also contains the updated description field. Example: (U)userPassword (*****),(U)description (mustChangePassword=no)
     Or the error message returned by LDAP
  • PasswordChange: The error returned by LDAP
  • PasswordReset: The email address of the recipient for the reset code, or an error message
  • ACLChange: Details about the added or removed ACL or modified(U) ACL Group. Example: ACL:EditDataSourceForGroup
  • ACLGroupChange: Details about the added or removed ACL groups.


Session List (30 days)

Columns description

User: User login name

Client Type: The DigDash module used to do the action (see last chapter)

User Agent Name: User Agent String sent by the user’s browser (Chrome, Firefox…). Internal client (Scheduler, FilesGC, adminConsole) do not send a User agent name

User Agent Name: Browser version

User Agent OS: Name of the operating system of the user’s computer

Start Time: Date and time of the start of the session in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en)

Status: Current status of the session

  • ACTIVE: currently active session
  • CLOSED: closed (logout or timeout)
  • NOT ACTIVE: opened but never closed. Typically the server has been stopped in the meanwhile
  • FAILED: failed to log in

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder.

Duration: Duration in seconds of the session since its start (ACTIVE or CLOSED status)

DDAudit Flows

There are two reports for the flows:

  • The flow refresh history concerns the refresh of flows (scheduler and manual refreshes)
  • The flow usage history concerns viewing of the flow content

Flows Refresh List (30 days)

Columns description

Flow Name: Name of the flow

Role Id: Identifier of the flow’s role

Synchronization Date: Date and time of the refresh in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en)

Device: Device for which the refresh has been done

User: User for whom this refresh has been done (by himself or by the scheduler)

Client Type: The DigDash module used to do the action (see last chapter)

Event: Name of the event used to refresh the flowThe DigDash module used to do the action (see last chapter)

Status: Status of the refresh (OK or ERROR)

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder.

Flows Usage List (30 days)

Columns description

Event Id: Global counter to identify the event

Flow Name: Name of the flow

Role Id: Identifier of the flow’s role

User: User login name

View Date: Date of the visualization in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en)

Client Type: The DigDash module used to do the action (see last chapter)

Status: Status of the view (OK or ERROR)

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder.


There are two reports for the cubes:

  • The cube refresh history concerns the refresh of cubes (scheduler and manual refreshes)
  • The cube usage history concerns viewing of the cube content (from a flow)

Cubes Refresh List (30 days) : Last 30 days of cubes refresh history(monthly)

Columns description

Data Model: Name of the cube’s data model

Role Id: Identifier of the flow’s role

User: User login name

Cube Date: Date of the refresh in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en)

Status: Status of the refresh (OK, ERROR or UNKNOWN). UNKNOW status means that DDAudit has no information about the refresh of cube, but it exists on the server’s hard drive.

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder

Refresh Time: Duration of the refresh operation in milliseconds

Cube File Size: Size of the cube’s files on the hard drive

Cube Rows Count: Number data rows in the cube

Nb Parts: Number of part files for the cube. Each part is roughly 100MB (compressed)

DDAudit Cubes Usage List (30 days)

* Expand is the name we give to the extraction and aggregation of data from a cube based on a selection (filters, drill, view..)

Columns description

Event Id: Global counter to identify the event

Data Model: Name of the cube’s data model

User: User login name

Expand Date: Date of the usage of the cube in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss (en)

Expand Type: Type of usage:

  • dumpJSON: A flow visualization, filter, drill…
  • dumpStruct: Extraction of cube metadata for data model editing (members, hierarchies...)
  • dumpExcel: Excel export (with style)
  • excelExport: Excel export (without style)
  • csvExport: CSV Export
  • checkDeviceCondition: Condition solving for flow publishing

Status: Status of the expand (OK or ERROR)

Cache: Expand result cube was retrieved from Result cube cache (TRUE/FALSE)

Error: In case the action has failed, this column is the error code. Please refer to Error Codes documentation in DigDash documentation folder

Cube Rows Count: Number data rows in the cube

Result Rows Count: Number of data rows in the result cube

Expand Time: Duration of the expand operation in milliseconds

DDAudit System

Memory Usage (24 hours)

This line chart shows the evolution of memory usage in the last 24 hours.

CPU Usage (24 hours)

This line charts shows the usage of CPU in the last 24 hours. The dark blue line is the usage of CPU by DigDash Enterprise server components only. The light blue line is the usage of CPU by the whole system, including DigDash Enterprise server components.

Storage Usage (24 hours)

This line shows the relative cumulative amount of data written to the disk (line goes up) or deleted from the disk (line goes down, negative value is possible) in the last 24 hours. The reference (zero) is read at the start of the server.

Note: Other processes on the computer may affect this chart, as they write or delete files on the disk.


Client Type: The DigDash module used to do the action:

  • <empty>: Settings pages
  • AdminConsole: DigDash enterprise Studio (java client)
  • Scheduler: Background scheduler which refreshes flows based on schedules or events
  • Dashboard: Dashboard application (web-based)
  • FilesGC: DigDash Enterprise maintenance service