Backup and Restore

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2023/11/10 14:25



If you want to install a new version of DigDash Enterprise or migrate to a new environment (transition from a test environment to a production environment, modification of the server machine, ...), you can backup and restore the data of your current environment:

  1. Users, roles and use groups,
  2. Dashboards,
  3. Information portfolios and data models,
  4. Images, data dictionaries (translations, formats, connections, color palettes ...), etc.
  5. Data sources: Data sources in the UserDocs user data directory can be saved.

First select the items you want to save. This creates a zip file which you must then restore to the new environment or the new version.

Please note that the files in the DigDash Enterprise installation directory are not saved or restored by our tool, so you must copy them manually if you have made any changes:

  1. dashboard styles: if you have modified the dashboard styles from the dashboard.css file in the webapps / digdash_dashboard directory, this must be manually copied to the new environment.

    Note: we recommend modifying the styles of the dashboard from the CSS editor of the dashboard. This creates a default.css file in the user data directory. This file can be saved and then restored by DigDash Enterprise.

  2. images, logos and icons: if you have modified the files located in the webapps / digdash_dashboard / icons directory, you will have to copy them to re-apply them on your new version.

Save data


  1. Display the home page:

Start the Internet browser of your choice, then type the URL http: // ServerName: Server Port (example: http: // localhost: 8080 ). The DigDash Enterprise home page appears.

  1. Click on the Configuration  link then Backup management . Click on Save  to save your current configuration
  2. In the login box, enter the user name and password
  3. Check in each section the items you want to save: See the definition of each item in the appendix .
  4. Click on Generate then on Download the restoration file  to obtain the backup file (.zip file)

Note: The backup format changed in November 2015 (version 2015B1124). If you want to save for a version before this date, check the Generate for a version before 2015B1124 check box .

Restore data


  1. Display the home page:

Start the Internet browser of your choice, then type the URL http: // ServerName: Server Port (example: http: // localhost: 8080 ). The DigDash Enterprise home page appears.

  1. Click on the Configuration  link then Backup management . Click Restore  to restore a configuration.
  2. Click on Browse  to select the zip file corresponding to your backup then click on Load
  3. The list of database connections present in the backup file is displayed so that you can update them if necessary.

Migration of connections and document servers:

In order to facilitate the migration of these elements, it is possible to modify their identifiers so that they are identical between the development and production servers.

During the first migration between a development server and a production server:

  1. Perform a full backup of the development environment
  2. Restore the backup to the production environment
  3. Modify connection strings to databases and file servers on the production environment (from the connection manager and the document server manager in Enterprise Studio).

During the following migrations to production environments:

  • Selectively backup data: data models, portfolios, modified or new dashboards, ...

Do not save the file containing the connections (dbcnxrepository.xml) as well as the file containing the document servers (serverurlrepository.xml) even if these contain modifications

  1. Restore the backup to the production environment
  2. If changes have been made to connections or file servers in the development environment, post them manually to the production environment.

For new connections or new document servers, report the identifier used on the development environment.

To report the connection identifier, open the connection managers ( Tools menu \ database connections manager  in Enterprise Studio). Edit the connection to modify then click on Edit  to modify the identifier:

To report the identifier of a document server, open the connection managers ( Tools menu \ document servers manager  in Enterprise Studio). Edit the document server to modify, then click Edit  to modify the identifier:



You can automatically backup your environment. For this, DigDash Enterprise provides a backuptools.jar backup tool to run on the server.

This jar file is located in the <tomcat webapps> / ddenterpriseapi / WEB-INF / lib directory and must be used from this location (because it uses other jar files located in the same directory).

The options are:

  1. -url server_url: DigDash Enterprise server URL (default http: // localhost: 8080 )
  2. -domain dd_domain: domain name of the DigDash Enterprise application (by default ddenterpriseapi)
  3. -login user_login: DigDash Enterprise administrator login
  4. -pass user_pass: DigDash Enterprise administrator password
     -export or -backup: save the DigDash Enterprise configuration in a zip file
  5. -import or -restore: restore the configuration of DigDash Enterprise from a zip file
  6. -file zipfile: path of the backup file to restore
  7. -ldap: backup or restore of the LDAP directory
  8. -noldap: no backup or restore of the LDAP directory
  9. -help: display help
  10. -debug: display error messages

Examples of use:

java - jar backuptools . jar - admin login - admin pass - export - noldap
java - jar backuptools . jar - url http : // localhost: 8080 -domain ddenterpriseapi -login admin -pass admin -export -ldap -file C: \\
java - jar backuptools . jar - url http : // localhost: 8080 -domain ddenterpriseapi -login admin -pass admin -import -ldap -file C: \\

If you make a backup of your environment a backup file is created. This file has the name (for example if the backup was performed on December 19, 2014) and is located in the directory containing the DigDash Enterprise data (By default, Application Data / Enterprise Server / <domain> / config .)

DigDash Enterprise also provides a file “backup_export.bat” (interactive file with prompts) allowing you to save your environment:

  1. This file is located in the DigDash Enterprise installation directory. When executing the file, you must indicate:
  2. the URL of your server: by default, http: // localhost: 8080
  3. the DigDash Enterprise domain: by default, ddenterpriseapi
  4. user login: by default, admin
  5. the user's password: by default, admin
  6. whether or not to save the LDAP dictionary (users and roles): enter y to save and n not to save.

A backup file is created. This file has the name <datedujour> (for example if the backup was performed on July 10, 2013) and is located in a directory containing the DigDash Enterprise data. By default, Application Data / Enterprise Server / <domain> / config .

For example on Windows 7:

C: \ Users \ <user> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Enterprise Server \ ddenterpriseapi \ config

To restore a backup automatically, you can also use the backup_import.bat file. You must enter the same parameters as for backup_export (instead of indicating if you want to save the LDAP directory, indicate if you want to restore it). Also specify the name of the backup file (by default, it must be in the directory where the backup_import.bat file is included).



Here is the list of elements that can be saved / restored as well as their description.

When the element corresponds to a file, it is located in the data directory of the DigDash domain. For example: <AppData> / Enterprise Server / ddenterpriseapi. The file paths mentioned below are relative to this directory.



Data relating to each user.

LDAPUser information stored in LDAP:
  • User attributes (name, username, password, variables ...)
  • User roles
  • User permissions and permission groups

Information portfolio and user flow

File: /server/<user>/config/wallet.iwt


User dashboards

File: /server/<user>/config/dashboard.xml

Data models

User data models

File: /server/<user>/config/tabledatamodelrepository.xml


User passwords

File: /server/<user>/config/passwordrepository.xml


Data relating to each role.

LDAPRole information stored in LDAP:
  • Role attributes (name, identifier)
  • role users

Information portfolio and role flow

File: /config/wallet_<Id_Role>.xml


Role dashboards

File: /config/dashboard_<Id_Role>.xml

Data models

Role data models

File: /config/tabledatamodelrepository_<Id_Role>.xml


Role passwords

File: /config/passwordrepository_<Id_Role>.xml

Authorization groups

Definition of authorization groups provided by DigDash or added by the user. Authorization groups are only stored in LDAP.

<Name of authorization group>Definition of the authorization group:
  • List of group unit authorizations

Server common files

List of files common to all users and roles.

Server common files / System files

DigDash Enterprise server settings:

  • HTTP proxy
  • LDAP connection
  • Scheduler parameters
  • Performance settings
  • And all the parameters of the server configuration page

File: /config/serversettings.xml

Recommendations: Do not carry this file between several different configurations


System information and certain hidden parameters described in the document guide_avance_systeme

File: /config/system.xml

Recommendations: Do not carry this file between several different configurations


User settings including the settings you have created.

File: /config/userssettings.xml


Server common files / Dictionaries

Settings common to all users and roles. These files may or may not be present depending on the parameters used by the flows or the data models.


Dictionary of color palettes

Scope: Flow configuration

File: /config/colortablerepository.xml


Dictionary of CSS styles

Scope: Flow configuration

File: /config/cssrepository.xml


Configuration of cluster mode (advanced)

Scope: System configuration

File: /config/clustersettings.xml


Database of comments on dashboard data streams and models.

Scope: Display of dashboards and flows

File: /config/DDComments.h2.db


Dictionary of database connections (advanced)

Scope: Configuration of data models (connections to data sources)

File: /config/dbcnxrepository.xml


Dictionary of devices used for synchronizing flows

Scope: Export of flows

File: /config/favoritedevicesrepository.xml


Dictionary of user views of flows used in BI self-service

Scope: Display of flows (editable in the dashboard)

File: /config/flowsnapshotrepository.xml


Dictionary of number and date formats

Scope: Configuration of data models and flows

File: /config/formatrepository.xml


Dictionary of javascript functions used in derived measurements, filters, source transformations…

Scope: Configuration of data models and flows

File: /config/jsfunctionrepository.xml


Dictionary of shared hierarchies used by data model dimensions

Scope: Configuration of data models

File: /config/hierarchyrepository.xml


Dictionary of phrases created for video and text navigation of text streams

Scope: Flow configuration

File: /config/navigationsentencerepository.xml


Dictionary of global passwords. (Deprecated)

File: /config/passwordrepository.xml


Dictionary of document servers used in DigDash Enterprise

Scope: Configuration of data models

File: /config/serverurlrepository.xml


Dictionary of vector icons used by "Infographic" graphics

Scope: Flow configuration

File: /config/vectoriconrepository.xml


Dictionary of shared presentation models associated with flows.

Scope: Flow configuration

File: /config/vizmodelrepository.xml

Server common files / Translation files

Translation dictionaries group messages in different languages.

Each following translation file can be accompanied by a file corresponding to the chosen language. For example, the files,, are the translations of messages corresponding to the English language (default), French and Spanish.

Dictionary of translations used in the elements specific to the dashboard:

  • Name of pages
  • Portlet name

File: /config/


Translation dictionaries used in data models and flows.

Scope: Display of data model elements and streams

Files: /config/,


Dictionary of spoken values ​​for expressions of data models.

Scope: Export video stream (optional)

Files: /config/,


Dictionary of synonyms created in data models. These dictionaries are used by the search function of the dashboard: query in natural language.

Scope: Text search in the dashboard

Files: /config/,


<domain> .properties dashboard


Dictionary of dashboard elements (name of pages,…).

These files are deprecated and do not have to be backed up / restored

Server common files / Others

Other files related to the configuration of dashboards.


(* .png, * .jpg, * .gif ...)

List of images added from the dashboard editor.

Folder: / config / web / public /, / config / web / public / <Id_Role> /, / config / web / public / <user> /



* .css

Files containing the custom styles of the dashboard. CSS style sheets can be edited in the dashboard editing interface.

File: /config/web/public/default.css,



Constants of the DigDash Enterprise server (properties listed on the "Server configuration> Advanced" page, "Constants" section) + export parameters ("Export options" section)

File: /config/web/session/js-const.js,


Dashboard custom script file. This file can be directly edited from the dashboard editing interface.

File: /config/web/session/js-default.js

Server common files / Data sources

Data sources in the UserDocs file server. The files contained in this server can be integrated into the backup