SAP BEx Connector

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2022/04/14 19:07

The SAP BEx connector requires an SAP account to download their java connector : JCO.


Activating the data source

To deploy the SAP BEx connector, you will need to:

  • Stop the DigDash server
  • Deploy the (linux) or sapjco3.dll (windows) and sapjco3.jar files in the $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib folder. To find the value of CATALINA_HOME, you can look for CATALINA_HOME in Tomcat's startup logs, or you can execute the or catalina.bat file with the version parameter.
  • Configure the shared.loader property in the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file:

  • Configure java.library.path by adding the following option to the CATALINA_OPTS:

  • Activate the data source in DigDash:
    in the <webapps>/ddenterpriseapi/WEB-INF/classes/resources/config/tabledsrepository.xml file:

    <!-- <TableDataSource id="SAPBEXDS" name="$ui.SAPBEX.Popup" shortName="$ui.SAPBEX.Short" description="$ui.SAPBEX.DSDesc" iconBaseName="ds-sapbex.png" manufacturer="DigDash"

    should be changed to:

    <TableDataSource id="SAPBEXDS" name="$ui.SAPBEX.Popup" shortName="$ui.SAPBEX.Short" description="$ui.SAPBEX.DSDesc" iconBaseName="ds-sapbex.png" manufacturer="DigDash"
  • Start the DigDash server

Creating an SAP BEx data source

  1. Select the SAP BEx data source among the data source list in the Studio:
  2. Provide the SAP BW connection information :

    • Host: the SAP server's host name
    • System number: the two digit SAP system number
    • Client: the three digit SAP client number
    • User: the SAP user name
    • Password: the SAP user's password
  3. Click on the List queries button, then choose the desired query in the tree. Select the desired columns in the list on the right by using the checkboxes.
  4. If you have variables you want to specify, click on the Variables... button and a dialog box will appear in which you can specify values for the query's variables.
  5. Click on the Preview button and check the data in the Preview section.
  6. Click on Next then finish configuring the data source by specifying a name and configuring the various extra options common to all DigDash data sources.