Install Guide on Linux

Last modified by jhurst on 2024/04/02 14:25

DigDash Enterprise installation can be done in two different ways on Linux:

  • Use the Tomcat application server included in the DigDash Enterprise install archive
  • Use another Tomcat or a JEE compatible application server.

This document describe how to use the Tomcat server included with DigDash Enterprise and also how to install/use another Tomcat server.

To install on Windows, read document install_guide_windows.

To update an existing install, read document upgradeDDE.

Use Tomcat Included in DigDash


Unzip the archive file in the folder of your choice, preferably /user/share/

Owner And Rights

Give the ownership of the folder /usr/share/install_dd_20xx to the user <USER> of your choice, and give him the rights to read and write to this folder using the following command :

USER@domain:~# chown –R USER /usr/share/install_dd_20xx

USER@domain:~# chmod –R 755 /usr/share/install_dd_20xx

Start Tomcat

With your user <USER> run the Tomcat startup script :

USER@domain:~# cd /usr/share/install_dd_20xx/apache-tomcat/bin/

USER@domain:~# sh

Using your own TOMCAT SERVER

If you want to configure your own Tomcat server (existing or not), you can configure it by following the steps below:

Tomcat7 Installation

If you do not already have a Tomcat server installed on the system.

Enter the command:

root@domain:~# apt-get install tomcat7

Copy The Web Applications To Tomcat

Extract WAR files from the DigDash Enterprise archive zip file (install_dd_20xx/apache-tomcat/webapps/) :

  • adminconsole.war
  • ddenterpriseapi.war
  • digdash_dashboard.war
  • adswrapper.war
  • « ROOT » folder if it does not already exist in your Tomcat.
     If you do not copy the ROOT folder, DigDash can be accessed at URL http://localhost:8080/adminconsole but not at http://localhost:8080

Copy these files to the Tomcat folder /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps.

Make sure the user tomcat7 has the right to read and write on these four files.